Aug 13, 2015 [Updated 9/10/2015]
Microsoft has finally released Windows tablet apps for Office for four modules. They are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. This has been a long time coming, as Microsoft released these for iOS and Android a long time ago.
So you can now use simplified, touch-optimized versions of Office right on your Windows tablet.
Read more here:
What about an equivalent Windows tablet version of Outlook? Well, it looks like the Windows 10 Mail app is as close as Microsoft is going to get to that, and it’s not great for MYN/1MTD. It has no Categories functionality, and of course, no Task features either.
The good news is that desktop Outlook 2013 (and the forthcoming Outlook 2016) both run pretty well in touch mode on a Windows tablet, as I discuss here. Using that instead of Windows Mail is my recommendation. That way you do get full category and task support.
But if you want to learn more about the Windows 10 Mail app, see this link:,2817,2488072,00.asp
Just wondering if you have a feeling about whether we should do the free upgrade to Windows 10 on our PCs or wait until more of the kinks get worked out. Thanks.
Well, I haven’t done it yet. I’ve heard it’s much better than most previous major Windows upgrades. Common complaint is having to update blutooth drives, but not much more. All that said, I am going to wait. Michael