
Book Launch Festivity: Giveaways & Prizes. And More Outlook Tips

Today is the official launch of my new exciting book, Master Your Workday Now! This is the book I talked about last month--the book that does so much to get you in control of your workday and that helps you achieve your goals and reach deep satisfaction with work. It's officially out now!

To celebrate, we’re doing a big promotional splash all week. Buy a copy of the book this week via the links in this newsletter, and we will include you in a drawing for 2 Sony Vaio netbooks!

Also, everyone who buys this week will receive free giveaways worth several hundred dollars, including an excellent video training about my Outlook system. See the details here: www.MasterYourWorkday.com

Best of all, this book will help you decrease workday overwhelm, give you back more free time in your day, and truly make you a Master of your workday.

Also below in this newsletter:

NEW BOOK LAUNCH – Master Your Workday Now!

What’s the book about? First of all, it is NOT an Outlook book! If you own my Outlook book, you’ll also want this one, as it’s almost all new material. And it’s not focused on technology. Think of it as a 7-Habits book, or a Getting Things Done book. It provides techniques you can use in any medium—computer or paper—to get ahead of your out-of-control workday.

So what’s the overall point? Imagine finishing all of your urgent tasks each day and then accomplishing your highest-level goals. Imagine starting and ending every day with an empty e-mail inbox. Imagine the joy of being on top of your work... and feeling fulfilled because what you do every day is deeply connected to who you really are.

That’s what I mean by “Workday Mastery,” which is what you will learn how to achieve in this book. It really is different from any book out there, and it contains my best thinking on the topics of productivity, workday satisfaction, and adding meaning to work. The book offers tons of brand new, powerful approaches, so I encourage you to take a look.

Also, for the first time, I completely get my arms around the subject of how to set and achieve goals. Goal setting in the business world is seriously broken, and in this book I have the solution—using very fresh and very effective new approaches.

… So go to www.MasterYourWorkday.com now to buy the book and get access to the Sony netbook drawing and the other giveaways, available this week only.

The book is already making a big splash in the business world.

Success writer Jack Canfield, who got an early copy, loves this book. He said: “Spending just a few hours with this book will add days, weeks, or even years of free time to your life. I highly recommend this for anyone seeking to catapult their life to higher levels of success and fulfillment.”

And Brian Tracy, who is a household name in the business world and has created over sixty books and training programs on workday success, said this: “This fast-moving, practical book is loaded with great ideas that help you to focus, concentrate, and get more things done faster than ever before.”

Other reasons to get this book

Free Outlook Video Training. Also, the giveaways you get if you buy this week are very useful. For example, for the first time I am making available to this newsletter audience a free, 3-part video training on how to get started with my Outlook productivity system. It includes step-by-step video instructions showing how to tweak and optimize Outlook, giving you a very easy start to using that powerful system. Previously, I’ve only made this available at my paid keynote speech engagements—it is very effective. Again, it is available this week only when you buy the book at MasterYourWorkday.com.

I am also giving away a set of Workday Mastery Tools that add even more oomph to the new book. And a number of “launch partners” are giving away useful items as well, including a free speed-reading course! Read more about all these at MasterYourWorkday.com.

Already have the new book? if you bought the book online earlier, and are bummed about missing the giveaways—no worries. Find your Amazon or B&N e-mail receipt (or paper copy) and just enter the order number in the field provided at MasterYourWorkday.com—you’ll get everything.

A book for everyone who wants to get organized and reach their goals
This new book will be hugely useful for each one of you. If you are a current owner of my Outlook book, it’s nearly all new. And if you have never implemented my Outlook approaches—maybe you prefer using paper or some other way to track to-do’s—then this book is perfect for you; I provide detailed strategies that will enable you to get totally organized using any medium. And then I go well beyond that, showing the real power of how to reach your goals and how to lead a fulfilling work life.

So go to MasterYourWorkday.com right now before you forget—you don’t want to miss out on the giveaways that expire this week!

Outlook Tips:

The Right Way and Wrong Way to Use Outlook Flags

Outlook flags can be used in many ways, both good and bad. Here’s the bad way: Do you have hundreds of flagged mail sitting in your Inbox from weeks or even months ago? When you see an old flag in your Inbox, do you blur over it because you have so many others there as well? If so, you are definitely using Outlook flags the wrong way. If you leave them there long term, they just clutter up your Inbox and add to Inbox chaos.

The right way is this: commit to keeping an e-mail flagged for no longer than 24 hours! Process all flagged mail within that time, preferably by end of day.

Here is how to do that. In my book Total Workday Control Using Microsoft Outlook, I counsel to use flags only for “deferred” replies—that is, mail you intend to reply to today or very soon but just don’t have time to at the moment. Make sure you reply within a day, even if just briefly, and then clear the flag once you reply.

Add to that another acceptable use of flags: use them for any e-mail that includes a task for you, but that you cannot convert immediately to a task. This may be because it will take a bit to decide what priority and date to put on it. In the midst of a fast-moving day, I flag those temporarily as well.

But the key is to not let flagged mail sit for more than a day or so—otherwise they create too much clutter. And in Outlook 2007 they clutter up your To-Do Bar task list as well. What I do is take care of them either at the end of the day, as work settles down, or first thing the next morning, before it gets busy. I go through all the flagged mail and either write the reply or do a conversion to a full, dated and prioritized Outlook task. I empty my Inbox completely after that (see lessons in Total Workday Control on how to do all this).

Also, you may know that in OL 2007 you can actually set a dated alert using a flag, but don’t do that. I highly recommend you use reminder alerts only for Calendar items—that is, for appointments. So if a mail item represents an appointment, go ahead and convert it to a Calendar item (you can do that instantly by dragging the mail item to the Calendar banner button in the lower left) and set the alert on that. I detail on page 78 of Total Workday Control (2nd Ed.) why that distinction is so important.

Color Coding in ClearContext: V5

As I mentioned earlier, I have been using the new ClearContext V5, and I love it. The new color coding approach for important e-mail really works now. In this new version, that feature has been simplified so that it gives me good information but minimizes color-clutter. I used to disable this feature in the old versions since, no matter what I tried, I found the colors confusing, especially once the mail was marked read. The new one has just the right amount of simplicity and support. There are two main colors, and I have no trouble distinguishing read from unread mail. I now use it all the time!

I’ll write a much longer article about all the new features in V5 in an upcoming newsletter, but I wanted to share that info now. Here’s the link to my specific version of V5, and the link to the regular version of ClearContext.


Okay, that’s it! Below are some interesting radio and teleseminar events for this week, but let's wrap up here.

There is a lot going on this week! If you do nothing else, don’t forget to pick up my new book early, to get in on the giveaways and prize drawings. Again, it’s all available at MasterYourWorkday.com. Check it out!

I will be in touch with other exciting news shortly.
All the best,
Michael Linenberger

Radio and Teleseminar Appearances by Michael Linenberger this Week.

The new book is generating a lot of interest, and I am getting requests to speak at a number of radio and teleseminar events. The teleseminars you may be quite interested in—they are usually free trainings on a wide variety of topics. Here is my lineup for the next week or two ahead.


Today! Tuesday March 9-- Smart Women Talk Radio
8:00 a.m. PST  60 min, LIVE
The show will air on 106.9 FM Seattle, plus it will be archived on contacttalkradio.com, and iTunes.
More info at: contacttalkradio.com/hosts/katanaabbott.html


Today! Tuesday March 9, Michael is featured in InspireMeToday.com where he talks about getting beyond fear in the workplace. Visit that website now for the article.


MARCH 14 WPRO Internet and AM Radio--12:00 PM ET / 9:00AM PT
Listen to Michael Linenberger on Patricia Raskin Positive Living™ with host, Patricia Raskin on 630 WPRO/AM & 99.7/FM and streamed live on www.630wpro.com on Sunday,March 14th at 12:00PM ET/ 9:00AM PT.

Join nationally recognized multi-media radio talk show host and award winning producer Patricia Raskin, host of  Patricia Raskin Positive Living™ radio show, when she interviews  Michael Linenberger,  the “Efficiency Guru,, about his new book, Master Your Workday Now! By providing the correct tools, Linenberger helps readers approach every workday with an optimistic outlook, enabling them to create the career of their dreams. 

Don't miss this live interview with Michael Linenberger, Sunday, March 14th at 12:00PM ET/ 9:00AM PT on 630WPRO AM & 99.7 FM and streamed live on www.630wpro.com.
Visit Patricia Raskin - the national powerhouse of positive living talk radio at www.patriciaraskin.com.


TODAY, Tuesday March 9, I will be speaking on a success-oriented teleseminar called Your Path to Success Telesummit at 1 pm PST/ 4 pm EST. Many great speakers are booked for this 11-day event, so do check it out. It’s free but you will need to register, so sign up below. Here’s the information from the organizer:
"Are you looking for inspired methods to create your path to success? The Your Path to Success: Jump Start the Joy in Your Life Telesummit is the event designed to truly move you forward in your path to creating a successful and joy-filled life. This FREE telesummit is March 8 - March 19, 2010. I invite you to discover, create and live Your OWN path to success! "

During the telesummit, you will learn from top experts in their fields. What would your life be like if you could:

* Dive Into Your Inner Brilliance and Master Your Inner Game
* Enjoy Greater Everyday Inner Peace, as You Realize Your Inspired Goals
* Live Your Ideal Life
* Get and Stay Organized
* Create Authentic Relationships
* Live Joyfully and Successfully- No Matter What
* Empower Your Life
* Discover 5 Keys to Clarity
* Create Success the Heart Centered Way
* And more…

To learn more about the expert presenters and to sign up, then...

Click here: Telesummit Free Sign Up

The Your Path to Success Telesummit:  Gives you tools, techniques, and fresh ideas that you can use right away.  Helps you discover, create and live Your OWN path to success.  Creates the opportunity for you to learn from top experts in their fields as they share their knowledge, wisdom, and life experiences with you.
And it's FREE.

Sign up for the telesummit, and you will receive the schedule, conference access code and phone line. Plus you will receive reminder emails each day and if you cannot make it live - you have a 24-hour window of opportunity to listen to the daily recording.
Sign up for this energizing and information-packed Your Path to Success Telesummit today and experience what a difference two weeks of inspiration can do for you.

Click here: Telesummit Free Sign Up