Reminder: Michael's Webinar is Mar 26
Quick reminder, Michael's next public MYN Outlook webniar training is a little over a week away, March 26 to 29 (1.5 hours each day). Michael only gives public webinars about twice a year these days (normally he just does corporate events), so if you want a chance to ask him questions while learning the full MYN Outlook material, jump in now. Here's a link for more information and to register:
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The Perfect Productivity Tablet:
The Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2
My very first book, written back in 2004, was a book about the Tablet PC and it sold pretty well. I don’t advise you to buy that book now since it’s horribly out of date, but ever since writing it I’ve been watching the tablet space and yearning for the perfect productivity tablet—one that is good for play and work. In particular, one that can run a full copy of Outlook.

Are we there yet? In one case, I think we are. But for me it’s not Microsoft’s new Surface Pro as many had hoped; rather, at the moment I think it’s the Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2—another new Windows 8 Pro device that costs less, weighs a ton less, and gets 3 times the battery life.
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Other News/Recent Blog Entries
Here are some other recent articles Michael has written that you may like: