4 Ways to Get Organized For the New Year
1. Commit to a Good To-Do System
All the tips in this newsletter assume you have a good to-do list system in place. If you don’t, now's the time to commit to either the 1MTD system or the MYN system. And if you were using one of those in the past, and you drifted away from it (or it got overloaded), here are some easy ways to get restarted. How to Restart on 1MTD or MYN.
2. Get E-mail Under Control
One of your New Year’s commitments might be to get your Inbox under control—to get it back down to a reasonable size, perhaps even empty it.

Here is how to empty your inbox quickly using simple principles I teach. Read More.
3. Get Rid of Physical Piles
Physical piles containing work documents, memos, trade journals, or low-priority paper mail, whether on your desk or side table, feel lousy. Here’s a quick way to clean up piles that still have lots of to-dos buried in them—it’s a method that takes advantage of the 1MTD or MYN system ability to track and prioritize your tasks. Read More.
4. Get Your Projects Clarified
We all have loose-end projects floating about: larger efforts we once started but we allowed to drift due to the urgencies or issues of the workday. I have found the best way to clarify an adrift or poorly started project is to do a short project brainstorming session that brings it back into focus, and I have a favorite method for doing that. Read More.
Kindle/Nook Version of 4th Ed. Almost Out
Outlook book Ed 4 Kindle/Nook wait is almost over. Should be only a week or two away; three weeks at outset. Sorry for the repeated delays but we really want to get it created right. In mean time, the PDF version is currently for sale.

Click here to buy the PDF version
Other News/Recent Articles
Here are some other recent articles Michael has written that you may find useful: