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Mar 8, 2012 MYN & 1MTD Newsletter:
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Brand New: MYN-Outlook *Video* Training Just Released!

I'm very excited to announce the availability of a new major product. It is a self-paced, self-study, *video* course that teaches you my MYN-Outlook productivity system. I’ve been talking about releasing this for a number of months, and it’s finally here.

This is a big deal. For the last six years I've been teaching my MYN-Outlook material only in-person. That means you had to attend a corporate seminar, or sign up for one of my live public webinars or seminars. In either case you had to commit to a schedule to learn the MYN-Outlook system. The only other choice was to self-study my 400-page Outlook book.

But now you can learn the material on your own schedule, in a video format, which is a great plus. You can sit back and watch the material spoon fed to you, with videos of Outlook in action. You can spend extra time on some sections if you wish, or skip around; you can do this at your own pace.

This is the complete material. It includes everything in the public webinars and the corporate seminars—material that allows you to use the Windows Outlook tasks and e-mail systems to their fullest to really get control of your day. In fact this course goes just a little beyond those previous courses because the nice thing about a self-study course is you're not constrained by time. So I've included some bonus sections not in either of the other choices.

I've set the pricing to be competitive with the corporate and public classes: $399 per person. Note that for a limited time I've discounted that to $299 and I'm not sure how long that will last, so you may want to purchase it now. Included in the course are nearly six hours of streaming videos in 26 high-quality video segments.

So if you want to move beyond the simple One Minute To-Do List level of my training, and want to learn the full MYN-Outlook system so that you can really take control of your workday using Windows Outlook, then get this course, and do it now while it’s on its sale price.

You can see some samples of the course, and learn more about it by clicking the link below.

Learn More or Buy It Now

Is Hoarding E-mail and Tasks Okay?

Recently a friend of mine was telling me about another friend who hoards things in her house—old no-longer-used items were everywhere—and it was becoming a real problem. There were entire rooms that were filled and not-usable for their intended purpose; bedrooms could not be slept in, offices could not be used. It made me think about e-mail and task hoarding—something I know I do and many other people do. Is e-mail and task hoarding a comparable problem?

Well, if you’re hoarding everything in your main in-box or in your main task list then, then yes it is a problem. That’s because when the clutter is in your face like that, it degrades your ability to decide what needs focus. And it causes you to rehash items over and over again as you hunt for buried high priority items; and that wastes time. Instead, use good 1MTD and MYN approaches to triage quickly and to then move those items on.

But what if you are “hoarding” years’ worth of old e-mails and tasks out of sight (say in a folder for e-mail, or in a designated low-priority area for tasks)? Well, I strongly feel it’s an acceptable thing to do; perhaps even something that you should be encouraged to do.

Read the full article

Outlook 2010 Quick Steps Mea Culpa

I’ve gotten quite a few e-mails and comments recently that have made me realize I’d made a mistake about dismissing Quick Steps in Outlook 2010 for MYN too quickly. In an earlier blog post I had said that I didn’t think there were that many uses for Quick Steps in MYN because most, as applied to MYN scenarios, require more clicks than the equivalent manual actions.

However, in recent notes to me, people have pointed out that the real value of Quick Steps & MYN is when you use them from within an open e-mail. And now that I’ve tried that out, I have to agree, they are extremely useful when applied from within open e-mails. They do save steps in MYN. For example, for things like creating a task both as an attachment or not, and even filing to the processed mail folder, you save many steps when using a Quick Step button at the top of the open e-mail.

In fact, as many have pointed out, using a Quick Step is a useful way to get around the drag-create tasks problem I wrote about earlier.

So again, thanks to all who have turned my head about Outlook 2010 Quick Steps!

Here is an older link where I show how to use Quick Steps:

It includes a link to a YouTube video we made on how to create Quick Steps.

Some Announcements

My next MYN-Outlook Webinar open to the public is scheduled for April 17 to April 20. The last one filled up early, so reserve your space or learn more here.

Don't forget that I have a new One Minute To-Do List video course. This 16 video course teaches you how to get control of your to-do list using the very simple 1MTD approach. More information here.

The new Full MYN-ToodleDo video course is due out in late March.

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