The 1MTD Outlook Video Course
- Learn Michael simple task system and how to implement it in Windows Outlook. The One Minute To-Do List (1MTD) is quick to learn and very effective. Get your to-do's under control now!
- Includes 10 video segments. For Windows Desktop Outlook 2013 and 2016 (and Office 365).
- Only $39 ! Goes well beyond book of same name (shown at left).
- Can be used with the Ninja training (below) or separate.

The Outlook Inbox Ninja Video Training
- Michael's latest course that teaches you how to empty or near-empty your Inbox each day. Use as standalone course or as complement to Michael's MYN or 1MTD courses. You are guided through the process of becoming an Outlook Inbox Ninja. You will become someone who can easily clear their Inbox each day.
- Includes 51 video segments.
- Learn setting up rules to filter much of your email before it gets to your Inbox.
- Learn how to sort and file mail blazingly fast.
- Also includes optional videos to learn Michael's 1MTD task system.

The MYN-Outlook Complete Video Training
- Do you use Outlook? Do you want to have Lineneberger's complete Outlook-based Master Your Now (MYN) system delivered to you in video format? Then look no further. This class goes well beyond the 1MTD book and course, teaching you a complete solution to workday control.
- Includes 36 to 66 video segments and a PDF copy of Michael's #1 bestselling Outlook Book.
- Pricing varies from $299 to $149 depending on other video products owned.

Full-MYN Toodledo Video Training
- If you don't use Outlook for tasks, then Toodledo is the tasks solution for you, and this video training shows you how to use it with MYN.
- Do you want to have Lineneberger's complete Master Your Now (MYN) system using ToodleDo delivered to you in video format? This class goes well beyond the One Minute To-Do List book, teaching you a complete solution to workday control using ToodleDo as your task software.
- Includes 34 video segments and a PDF copy of Michael's #1 bestselling Outlook Book.
- Pricing varies from $299 to $149 depending on other video products owned.

One-Minute Project Management
Video Training
- This class is for controlling those pesky background projects that a lot of us have, that we must manage along with our regular day-job duties.
- We can have two to ten of these projects running in the background at any one time.
- Because we try to fit them in with our regular duties, they tend to get insufficient attention and so bog down or lose direction. And then your boss is all over you for not making progress on them—you look bad.
- Sound familiar? Well, finally, here’s a solution.
- Integrates with either the 1MTD or MYN to do list.
- This is Michael's latest video course and based on Michael's decades of project management experience.
- Price: $129.00

PDF Copy of Book: Total Workday Control Ed. 5
- The complete 5th Ed. book in PDF format, with active linked index, active internal and external links, exact book layout, and more.
- Updated May 2017 for Outlook 2016 and Michael's latest thinking.
- This book through all its editions has been the #1 best-selling Outlook book for 9 years!
- Price: $8.95

Previous Edition: Total Workday Control Ed. 4
- The complete 4th Ed. book in PDF format, with active linked index, active internal and external links, exact book layout, and more.
- Get this version if you are using Older versions of Outlook: 2011, 2010, 2007.
- Price: $8.95
I'd tried other methodologies to master email overload and they fell short. Top down approaches just don't work. Michael's methodology is easy to understand and apply. It provides "stress relief" immediately. With practice, results continue to improve.
Jerry Capute Vice President of Business Systems Tactical Propulsion and Controls
I just had to let you know after struggling for a very long time with various GTD scenarios with MS Outlook, you have managed in minutes of the "MYN Quick Start" section, not only to let me take control but use a system that TOTALLY works for me. I am on Lesson 6 and look forward to finishing all the lessons.
Many thanks, David