Fall is Coming, Get Serious about Productivity!
Fall is coming, and the days will soon be getting shorter and cooler. When that happens, many of us seem to get more serious about work. This is a great time to recommit to becoming more efficient and productive, to get ahead of your overloaded inbox, and to get control of your too-long task list. The MYN and 1MTD systems are the best ways to do that.
To start or restart using those, you might want to read or re-read the free One Minute To-Do List book. Or you might want to take one of the self-study video classes we provide.
Or you might just need some new tips, as follows:
Windows 10 Tablet Productivity, with Surface 3
I've finally tried Windows 10 on the new rather speedy and lightweight Surface 3, and I like what I see. I especially like using desktop Outlook in touch mode on it.

You can convert e-mails to tasks, categorize e-mails, and manage tasks all with touch. See my full write up here:
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Tablet-Based Windows 10 Office Apps
Microsoft has finally released Windows tablet apps for Office for four modules. They are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. This has been a long time coming, as Microsoft released these for iOS and Android a long time ago.
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Outlook Users: Consider Switching to Toodledo to Solve Smartphone Issues
If you are not ready to carry a Windows tablet with you to process mail throughout the day (as I described above), then you are probably committed to using your smartphone for that purpose. The problem is, on smartphones you usually cannot convert e-mails to tasks, or categorize e-mails, or even view your Exchange tasks. You can add apps to do that, but many corporate IT departments are now preventing such apps from accessing their Exchange servers. What to do? It may be time to start using Toodledo for tasks, instead of Outlook tasks. Toodledo provides more smartphone solutions.
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Adding Tasks to Toodledo with Voice
I previously showed you how to add tasks to your Exchange-based Outlook using voice commands and iPhone Siri. Well, you can also add tasks to Toodledo using voice.
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Still no Scripts Menu in Latest Microsoft Outlook for Mac
In mid-July, Microsoft released an update to their latest Microsoft Outlook for Mac. It’s version 15.11.2. Importantly, it’s now being made available as part of the standard Office for Mac 2016 updates (you no longer have to search for it separately). In other words, it’s becoming a full member of the Office for Mac 2016 release. But it still has no Scripts menu. That means its Tasks module is really not a viable MYN/1MTD solution---it's even worse than Outlook 2011 for Mac. So if you are planning to upgrade, I'd consider switching to Toodledo for tasks instead.
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Guilt-Free Tasks
How many tasks are on your list that have been sitting there for a while, and you feel guilty about not completing them?

We tend to write down more tasks than we can do or ever intend to do, and that leads to guilt, and it also leads to your task list losing power due to its ambiguity. There are strategies you can use when you enter a new task to avoid this.
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