Two New Videos added to MYN To Do Video Course: Creating To Do Apps

I’ve just added two new videos to the MYN To Do video course: Videos L-5 and L-6. These brand new and advanced videos show how to convert a To Do Web page into a standalone app. Doing this is optional, but it provides a wide range of task management improvements, and it makes your MYN To Do usage even easier. Below is a standalone To Do app, created from the web version of To Do, on Windows. Notice it looks like a To Do web page, but it’s really a standalone app window:

You might wonder, aren’t there good standalone apps already created by Microsoft for the Windows and the Mac platforms? Why not use those instead?

Better than Microsoft’s Desktop Apps

There are, and I discuss them in videos B-2 and L-1 in the course.
However, after trying the Windows (and Mac) desktop apps, I personally gave up on them because they lack features I need. The main missing feature is they don’t enable task categories, and that’s a feature I use a lot. Because of that, and for other reasons, I use the web version of To Do in my day-to-day work, and not the Microsoft provided apps. 

But there are disadvantages to using the web version of To Do as a web page. For example, I am constantly losing track of the Chrome or Edge browser tab where I have launched the To Do web page. Also, I cannot use it if there is no internet. And there are other issues.
So, that’s why I was happy to discover the way to convert the web version of To Do into a standalone app version of To Do. And I now use that created app for nearly all my To Do task management. It’s essentially the To Do website but re-packaged nicely as an app. It’s free to create and very effective.

Called a Progressive Web App

A web page converted into an app is something nearly all browsers enable these days. It’s called a Progressive Web App, or PWA. You can set one up in a minute or two for any web page. Use it with To Do web, and you’ll instantly see the huge advantages that it offers. 
They are a bit tricky to create, and these two new videos show how. Again, they are videos L-5 and L-6 and are located down at the bottom of the paid video list, and available to all paid course subscribers. Video L-5 describes how PWAs work and why you might want to use one. The second video, L-6, shows detailed steps on how to create them. Watch these videos and within a short while you’ll be enjoying the benefits of a PWA To Do app and wondering how you ever lived without one!

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