In my MYN To Do Complete Video Course, I show several ways to convert emails into tasks. ln last week’s newsletter, I highlighted a new video about how to do that with non Microsoft emails. In this week’s newsletter, I talk about another video that I just added to the course (Video G-8), that teaches yet another useful method.
The Key: Choosing Different Title Text
In a new video I just posted to that course, video G-8, I show a trick that enables you to pre-fill the new task title with text other than the title of the original email. Rather, you pick the text from the body of the email, which can yield exactly the right title! And you don’t have to drag and drop the email, rather just click the To Do icon that appears above the selected text, and that creates the new task with that text prefilled in the title.
You must be using the new Outlook for this to work. And it must be a Microsoft email account. All the details are in that new video, which is free to all paid subscribers of the video course. To learn more about the MYN To Do Complete Video Course, go to this link.