Drag and Drop Prioritizing in MYN-1MTD Apps

One of my favorite features for any to-do list app is drag and drop prioritizing. By that I mean the ability to drag an app in the task list up or down to reposition it—thus changing its relative priority. Many apps have it, others don’t, but it’s a real time-saving advantage if they do.

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What App Should You Use for MYN or 1MTD?

Whenever I write an article or create a video about a new MYN or 1MTD enabled app, I immediately get a slew of emails asking if I recommend one app above all others.

Well, here’s my answer: No, there is not one app that is best for everyone.

While I might occasionally add a new app to the MYN or 1MTD list, and maybe get a bit excited about what it offers, I almost never abandon an older app. Rather each app has its plusses and minuses, ones that may or may not make it right for you. So study each of my recommended apps; try them out and see how they fit your needs. Only then can you decide what’s right for you. That said, here are some general recommendations to get you started.

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MYN Features Table for Various Apps

I have general recommendations for which apps you should use for 1MTD and MYN at this link. But for MYN, there are a lot of key features that can make a difference to you. So here is a table that points out those differences.

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Update on Toodledo: New Ownership Promises Better Support

New owners and developers are in place for Toodledo as of a few months ago, and I recently had a long phone conversation with them. I am encouraged.

As you may know, Toodledo is the other non-Microsoft task management software I recommend for use with my advanced MYN task management system (along with Todoist). Toodledo is probably the most feature-rich task software available, and like Todoist, it works on all platforms. It’s not as simple as Todoist, and not (yet) kept as up-to-date, but for raw power, nothing beats it.

New Owners Already Turning it Around

However, about three years ago, Toodledo was bought by a new company that ultimately stopped supporting the product. Many users complained that help requests were going completely unanswered. Well, the new owners who came on a few months ago tell me they’ve turned that around. They say they’ve caught up on all help requests and are now working on new software releases again.

So if you were a Toodledo user who lost faith in their support, give them a try again. Of course, only time will tell if they are in it for the long haul, but so far they are moving in the right direction.

Why Toodledo?

Again, Toodledo is the other non-Microsoft task management software I recommend for use with my advanced MYN task management system (along with Todoist). Toodledo is probably the most feature-rich task software available, and it’s very customizable. It’s the only one that has a true start date field, which is critical. I highly recommend it for power users who use MYN. I have a video course on using Toodledo with MYN at the link below.

Go to MYN-Toodledo Video Course

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New Video (Free): The New Outlook for Mac

I’ve just created a new free video about the optional “New Outlook” preview that is a part of the Outlook for Mac subscription desktop app. I created that video to add to the Toodledo video course, but it’s really useful for any Mac Outlook user to watch. Go to my MYN Toodledo course overview page and scroll down to free Video 26b.

Some Background

In October 2020, Microsoft added an optional New Outlook mode to it’s subscription Outlook for Mac 365. It’s essentially a preview of the next version of Outlook for Mac. You access it by selecting a button in the upper right corner, as shown here:

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Guest Post: Using Todoist with MYN and 1MTD by Charles Olsen

I am very pleased to announce the guest post below by reader Charles Olsen about Todoist. You may recall that Charles wrote a few guest posts about Things over the last year, and this one is even better!

The Todoist app suite is a set of to-do list management apps that run on virtually all platforms: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and the web. It’s one of the most popular to-do list apps out there. Charles Olsen has spent a lot of time and effort developing ways to use 1MTD and MYN within those Todoist apps. Charles’s guest post below shows you how you can do this yourself.

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Can No Longer Opt Out of To-Do Tasks on Outlook on the Web

This notice from Microsoft:

“September 3, 2020: We will soon roll out the new tasks experience in Outlook on the web as we move from preview to general availability. With this change, we will remove the preview opt-in toggle; this means the classic tasks experience will no longer be available.”

I am still curious about what’s going to happen with future releases of Desktop Outlook, which is now the only way to see the older, and more powerful, legacy Tasks system in Outlook. We’ll see how that plays out.


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Outlook iOS App adds Create a Task Command

Yey! Microsoft finally did it. They’ve added a Create a Task command to their Outlook iOS App. This is a critical app feature I like to see in all apps that my 1MTD and MYN readers use.

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Windows Outlook (365 Desktop) Option to Turn Off Yellow Highlighting of Flagged Mail Is Finally Fixed

If you have a subscription to Office 365 (now called Microsoft 365), and you have been regularly updating your desktop Outlook app, then here’s a recent change you might care about: the ability to turn off yellow highlighting of flagged mail in the Inbox has been fixed.

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New 4-Min Review or Intro Video for 1MTD & MYN

If you are new to 1MTD and MYN, or if you have drifted away from it, here is a 4-minute video that will help refresh your understanding of the urgency zone concept, and how urgency zones work in both systems.

And for a downloadable 1-page PDF summary of this entire video, a “Cheat Sheet,” go to this link.

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