Outlook iOS App adds Create a Task Command

Yey! Microsoft finally did it. They’ve added a Create a Task command to their Outlook iOS App. This is a critical app feature I like to see in all apps that my 1MTD and MYN readers use.

To get to it, open an email. Then:

1: Click the three dot menu as shown below, and then

2: Tap Create a Task in the drop down menu (also shown below).

Then tap return (after editing the task name if you wish).

This creates a task in the Microsoft To Do task list linked to this Exchange account. And it should show up in the Desktop Outlook task list for that account, too.

In the new task in To Do, the entire message body of the email is copied into the notes field of , a link to the original emails is copied into the task.

My pleasure with this new feature is only tempered by two questions:

  • Why did it take so long for Microsoft to add this feature?
  • When are they going to add the ability to assign and see Categories in the Outlook mobile app?

I haven’t checked the Android Outlook app to see if this feature was added there too. Let me know if you see it.


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9 Responses to Outlook iOS App adds Create a Task Command

  1. Jeff Goza says:

    Hi –

    I have the “Create a Task” option but it only gives the one line (subject) of the task and doesn’t copy anything into the body of the task itself.

    Is there a setting I am missing?

    And apparently this can be turned on/off. My work phone doesn’t have this option in Outlook!

  2. Guido says:

    I noticed this too Michael. One thing though: the To Do app cannot deal with start dates. So you can process but planning is still Outlook Desktop. But other than that great news! And To Do also captures your todo’s from Planner in Teams (should you use that for project planning).

  3. Tim Peterson says:

    Where can we direct requests to the design team for additional features in To-Do? The big 3 remaining helpful things to be added are 1) Category assignment, 2) Start Date Field assignment, 3) Third (low) level priority field assignment. From a strict programming perspective, such additions would not be that hard to add if they want this app to be more robust and versatile for greater user adoption. Microsoft change seems to be like the government … soooooo slow!

  4. Michael Linenberger says:

    Go to https://todo.uservoice.com/ to place feature requests

  5. Kevin Cole says:

    I have iOS outlook on my personal and works phone.

    Create a task appears on my work handset but not my personal.

    My personal tenant is on the early release cycle and both Outlook versions are the same, what am I missing?

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  8. dordle says:

    I actually prefer the yellow highlighting in the Inbox, so I’m not concerned about this fix.

  9. thief puzzle says:

    I learned a lot from this video.

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