Current Lesson List for Upcoming 1MTD To-Do Video Course

I  have been creating a video course on how to use my simple 1MTD system with the even simpler Microsoft tasks software called To-Do. I’ve seen some good possibilities in that combination, and I talk about that here. In fact, you can get part way to using the more advanced MYN system in that combination, and it may be just the ticket for readers who are just starting in the task management world. In any case, I’ve made progress on that video course, and now have the list of lessons to show you, many of these are done.

Video Lesson List

Below is the current lesson list for that upcoming course. It may change a bit more, but this is what I have created so far:

1-FREE: QuickStart for 1MTD in To-Do

2-FREE: Why Consider Microsoft To-Do?

3-FREE: Office 365 Subscribers Using Outlook Tasks: Watch this First

4-Cleaning Up your Imported Tasks list

5-Using Urgency Zones in Microsoft To-Do: How it’s done

6-Converting Emails to Tasks—The way it’s done in To-Do

7- Flagged mail in To-Do

8-Your Daily and Weekly Task Review in To-Do with 1MTD

9-Using the My Day list Smartly in To-Do with 1MTD

10-The Planned, Important, and Assigned Lists

11-The Various Versions of To-Do (Mobile, desktop, and Browser) How they Differ–and which is best

12- Misc Settings and Features of To-Do

13-Extending 1MTD in To-Do to Handle More Tasks with Defer-to-Review

14-Scheduling Tasks with Defer-to-Do

15-Using Repeating Tasks and Steps

16-Using To-Do with Desktop Outlook

That’s the current outline. So keep your eyes open for the official release of this video course. Not sure of the price yet, likely between $70 and $100. That release might be about 3 to 4 weeks away.


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