“New” iPhone E-mail App that Converts Mail to Tasks

May 6, 2013

You know by now I am a fanatic about converting incoming e-mail action requests into tasks so that I can keep my to-dos well-tracked, properly prioritized, and under control. This also enables emptying the inbox daily. It is at the core of the 1MTD and MYN systems I teach.

One complaint I had about the iPhone is that there is no way to convert e-mails to tasks when using its Mail app.

Well, there is a “new” app called eMailGanizer that enables converting e-mails into tasks. It’s not really that new since early versions were released a few years ago, but it’s new to me and getting more traction now. I’ll write it up more later, but I wanted to mention it now.

How to convert to a task. The image at left is an open e-mail in this app. Notice the red box at the top? If you click that icon it allows you to convert the e-mail item into an Outlook task. It works if you have Exchange in the background; but if you don’t, it also works with Toodledo; in either case the task shows up on your desktop computer and all other task lists that sync with those. It also can create an Apple Reminder or a calendar item.  

Lots of Features. You may notice there are a ton of other icons above and below the mail text; this app has a lot of features—far more than the app that comes with the iPhone.

Of course, you would read all your mail on this app instead of the using Mail app on the iPhone, so you’ll lose some of your integration with other iPhone apps, but I think it is worth it. And due to all the features it may take a few minutes to figure it out. BTW, It costs about $5.

What about Android? If you want similar ability, use TouchDown—that app lets you convert e-mails to tasks too. I’ve been recommending that app for years now.

I’ll see if I can spend more time with the eMailGanizer app and write it up more completely.

Michael Linenberger

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9 Responses to “New” iPhone E-mail App that Converts Mail to Tasks

  1. Frederick Frodt says:

    Nice application but emails converted to tasks are stripped of attachments so you still need to forward the email to Toodledo to keep the attachments.

  2. Michael Linenberger says:

    Frederick, yes you are right. No attachments. This is true for Outlook tasks too, no attachments are conveyed when using this program. Same with Touchdown on Android. I have not found any 3rd part apps that can pick up attachments. So in cases where you need the attachment, yes, use other methods.

    • Frederick Frost says:

      I use your Clearcontext add in for outlook on the desktop and it allows attachments (by linking to the original email ) wonderfully, I hope someone will develop a mobile solution. (use gSyncit also) Thanks for posting this app, it has definitely saved some time.


  3. victor grinshtein says:

    1) what is Toodledo?

  4. Becko says:

    When checking on my iPhone, I use the “forward it to myself and process using auto rule in Outlook” method. I forward a copy to myself with TASK in the subject. I then have an auto rule that files all emails with TASK in the subject to a TASK folder. I go in daily (cough, cough) or when I’m at my computer and convert these to Tasks in Outlook. It’s a workable workaround.

  5. Michael Linenberger says:

    Hi Becko, glad to here that forward system works for you! And it may even work better if you do not auto-move them to a folder, but leave in Inbox till you convert them. That way they stand out better and you are perhaps more likely to do the conversion. Just a thought. Michael

  6. Mazen Ockaili says:

    Dear Sirs,
    Is it possible to try and test this app before paying for it ?
    What i actually need is to FLAG and CATEGORIZE my emails and see them in the tasks as well as in the tasks view of outlook. Does the app sync with MS Exchange 2013?


  7. Michael Linenberger says:

    Mazen, yes, like the standard iPhone Mail app, in eMailGanizer you can flag mail and so see the item flagged in both your Outlook inbox and your To-Do Bar. To flag an item, just click in the text of the open e-mail and you’ll see a flag button appear at bottom. No, it does not categorize mail–I have not found ANY apps that do that yet. Yes, it syncs with Exchange but I don’t know about Exchange 2013, and not sure if free trial exists, both good questions you can ask of developer. Michael

  8. Blair Friesen says:

    Still searching for that perfect app that does everything. Oh, Microsoft, why don’t you do something?

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