March 27, 2013
Microsoft just released an update to the Windows 8 Mail app that adds the ability to flag mail items (and a number of other improvements around folders). It also made minor but noticeable changes to People and Calendar. And it broke a Google Calendar link. See the mail list here:
and more on all the changes here:
I think the addition of the Flag is the biggest thing here; that’s how I flag tasks when I am on the run and checking mail quickly on my tablet. Now, if they added setting Outlook Categories as well then I’d need to use the full Outlook application much less often. Let’s hope.
Michael Linenberger
This is off-topic – don’t know where else to post it – but can we expect to soon see an updated 4th edition of your TWC book covering Outlook 2013 ??
Looking forward to it…
Ed 4 is Due out in August or Sept. Use the 2013 articles on the blog in the meantime! Michael