Reminder: Rules on How Often to Review Tasks in MYN and 1MTD

Dec 4, 2015

In case you have forgotten, there are very specific rules on when you review each section of the MYN and 1MTD task list. Very simply they are: “Once an Hour, once a Day, once a Week.”

  • The Critical Now section you review approximately once each hour.
  • The Opportunity Now section you review at least once a day (preferably in the morning).
  • And the Over the Horizon section you review once a week.

Pretty simple!


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2 Responses to Reminder: Rules on How Often to Review Tasks in MYN and 1MTD

  1. Pete says:

    Michael – it works great for me!

  2. Henry Larry says:

    Appreciate the clarity. Following the MYN and 1MTD rules. Hourly for Critical Now Daily for Opportunity Now and Weekly for Over the Horizon. Streamlining my task review process starting now.
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