Ultimate To-Do List Configuration Instructions

Nov 15, 2011

I’ve posted a couple times recently here and here about Ultimate To-Do List. It’s an Android Tasks App that recently became MYN compatible; it uses ToodleDo as its tasks server.

Well, I finally got around to writing up some instructions on how to configure Ultimate To-Do List for 1MTD and for MYN. Below are those instructions.


Downloading and Installing

First, search the Android Market for “Ultimate To-Do List.”  You will see “License” and a Free version. Get the Free for now. Add the License later to activate it beyond the trial version.

Once installed on your Android, note that the icon/title in your apps list says “To-Do List” (without the word Ultimate—some people get confused about that); click it to start the software and then do these configuration steps:


  • In the first screen choose Sync with an existing Toodledo.com Account
  • The next screen asks you to name your account. Why? UTDL lets you create multiple “accounts” each with its own to-do list. This is useful if you have multiple ToodleDo web accounts for example and want to be able to swap between them on the fly (nice feature). So give this first account any name you want.
  • Then input the email and password for your ToodleDo web account. It will sync.

It will then take you to a Fields/Functions screen that offers “Keep it Simple”, “Intermediate Level,” and so on.

Then, for 1MTD…

For my readers who are using the simple One Minute To-Do List system (1MTD), just do this:

  • Choose Intermediate.
  • Then at the main task screen click the big down arrow at the bottom right and Sort By Priority and Then By Title, And Finally By None. Click Save.
  • And, simple 1MTD users, you are done!

For my more advanced MYN users, do this:

  • At the Fields/Functions screen Choose Power User (it’s at the bottom).
  • You are then going to clear green boxes next to a whole bunch of fields to remove those fields (if you are an experienced ToodleDo user you may have reasons to keep a few of these, I leave that to you). For MYN you can/should remove: Contexts, Expected Length, Folders for Notes, Folders for Tasks, Star, Start Time, Status, Subtasks, Tags, Timer.
  • And then click Continue.
  • Next, you will see a list of views. Click on All Tasks. You’ll see your tasks, but we’re not done yet.
  • Let’s add some sorting first. On the icon menu bar at the bottom click on the big down pointing arrow near the right. You want to set sorting to Sort By Priority Highest First, Then By Start Date Latest First, And Finally By <None>. Click Save.
  • Next, we need to filter out tasks with future start dates. To do that, On the icon menu bar at the bottom of the task list click on the big Funnel icon. Click Add Filter Rule, then select Start Date from scrolling list. In the next screen leave everything as is and click Save. Then Save again.
  • Now back at your tasks list, you are pretty much done. But here is one more (optional) setting: Click the hardware menu button and choose Settings. Click on New Tasks Defaults and set it to Start Date Today, Due Date None, and Priority Medium. Then click the hardware return button to get back to your tasks list.
  • You are done now.

For All Users

Notice the color coding in the left edge for priority: orange is high, yellow is medium, and blue is low priority. If you use Top priority for Significant Outcomes, those will be red.

Whenever you enter the software, you’ll probably want to click on All Tasks; that’s now your 1MTD/MYN tasks list.

That should do it for now. Later I’ll create a fancy narrated video showing all of the above and more; in that video I will also show some other optional settings. But that video will probably only be made available in one of my paid video courses (my accountant keeps telling me I am giving too much away for free; he’s probably right!).


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8 Responses to Ultimate To-Do List Configuration Instructions

  1. claudio says:

    thank you for your post. I’m glad to see I was on the same way because I was doing the same settings on UTL. So now you have some more happy supporter in UTL ( thank you to DeWayne and Irando to let me know your method). Actually therefore my set up use both Toodledo and UTL. I’ll go more in deep now buying your MYN book!

  2. aboanas says:

    thank’s for you i want to get copy from your app (todo list configurati)

  3. aboanas says:

    i wish to get your app ( todo list configuratio) and thank you !

  4. Michael Linenberger says:

    Hi Aboanas
    We don’t have our own app. You just get Ultimate To-Do List (describe above) from the Android store and then use the instructions above to do the configurations.

  5. Diane says:

    I installed this ap before knowing about the Toledo account. I now have an account and of course my ultimate to do list ap on my android phone and can’t figure out how on earth to connect the two. I have looked all through the UTODO ap settings and can’t find anything and all through the toledo settings and can’t find anything. HELP! Thanks! Wish I had seen this earlier!

  6. Paolo Paradisi says:

    Sorry for my English.
    I downloaded the trial version of ultimate To Do List and linked it to my google account. After sync I only can read the uncheked items in the lists and cannon modify the wiew.
    Can you help me?

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      Palo, I’d contact the Ultimate TDL folks. Note, we only write about using Ultimate TDL with Toodledo. Don’t think Google tasks are very useful.

  7. Charles Cheam says:

    Hi Michael,
    I just bought your MYN Toodledo Video Training and tried out the android app, Ultimate Todo List. I noticed that the app interface has changed! Fortunately I still able to follow on most of your steps EXCEPT ONE:

    After I have done the filtering (din show the future date tasks), I can’t find the view that show all tasks as described in your video. Can you assist?

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