ToodleDo’s New MYN Preconfigured Account Capability

Jan 18, 2011

Fantastic News. Anyone can now instantly configure their ToodleDo web account to match the MYN principles by simply clicking one button! If you have not yet set up your ToodleDo web account for MYN, this saves time over numerous configurations steps. And if you have already configured a ToodleDo web account for MYN, note this new capability allows you to get your friends or colleagues up and running quickly. Or if you accidently messed up your configs, you can get them back quickly with that one button. This does not configure the iPhone or iPad version; you’ll still want to watch my configuration video to see how to do that.

Here’s how to activate the new MYN preconfigured ToodleDo:

  1. If you do not have a ToodleDo account yet, create one by going to this link.
  2. If you do already have an account, make sure you are logged in to your to-do list on the ToodleDo web site.
  3. Then, in the same browser, go to this link:
  4. You’ll then see a page that describes what’s going on and asks you to click a box adjacent to Apply These Settings, and then Save Changes. Note, after you click the Save Changes button, the check mark next to Apply These Settings will clear; but that’s OK—you did it. You should also see a small message appear above the whole box that says Your Account Has Been Updated. Everything is done.
  5. Now simply click the To-Do List link near the top of the left margin, and you’ll be all set.

Note that these settings include the new ToodleDo reverese subsort capability described in the post below.

Leave a comment if you have questions, but note our office will be closed and non-responsive from Tues Jan 18 to Tues Jan 25.

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7 Responses to ToodleDo’s New MYN Preconfigured Account Capability

  1. DAvid says:

    Why would you recommend something that goes against your integration with email? If you use this software and outlook how would you convert email to tasks, which is a big part of your system?

  2. Danny P says:

    @David – I think that converting emails to tasks is a big part of “the system” IF you are using Outlook. The Master Your Workday Now system (in his 2nd book) really widens the approach and can be used with or without Outlook. This toodledo looks like a great way for electronic-centric folk (without Outlook) to use these principles.

  3. Sawyer says:

    Step one above doesn’t actually have a link in it

  4. Ari Goldberg says:

    If I apply the settings and later change my mind, can I return to the default settings in Toodledo?

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      Ari, we know of no Reset to Defaults button or command in Toodledo. So no, no way to back the configs out all at once, you’d have to do it one setting at a time manually. Same with any setting changes you make by hand in Toodledo by the way. Opening a new account and importing your data would work of course, but that’s pretty extreme.

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