Using Remember the Milk with MYN, Guest Post

The app called Remember the Milk (RTM) is one of the first-released and still best-known web-based to-do list apps out there. Years ago when I first looked at it, it lacked features needed to support MYN, so I dismissed it.

But an avid MYN user recently looked into it again and found that RTM has come a long way. He says it added a start date field and good sorting and filtering. So with some simple setting changes he says it can now be effectively used with MYN.

He said RTM also has a good email-forwarding method of converting emails to tasks. And he said that RTM’s smartphone apps also look good and can work with MYN.

At my request the reader wrote up some notes on how to configure RTM for MYN and sent them to me. When I have time I’ll try this out; but for now I am posting his raw notes below, unedited (and unconfirmed), in case you want to get going now. Hopefully, this is enough to get you started. If you try these out, let me know how it goes, okay?

Note that these instructions assume you have the paid Pro version of RTM, which is required to activate the Smart List capability used below. It does not appear that RTM offers a free trial on that Pro version.

Getting Started

  • To use Smart Lists you need a Pro Account
  • Lists
    • These are collections of tasks and can be sorted using the Advanced Sorting described below.
    • The Search Options are not available on Lists, only on Smart Lists
    • Create lists e.g. WORK, HOME etc
  • Enter tasks
    • Use Priority as follows
      • 1 = Critical Now
      • 2 = Opportunity Now
      • 3 = Over The Horizon
    • Assign Start Date to all tasks using MYN principles
    • Tags and Due date are optional

Adding “Now Tasks” Smart List – Selection of tasks

Create a Smart List called “Now Tasks”, by clicking on the + in the Smart Lists Line

Following screen is displayed

Switch to the query editor, link at the bottom and enter the following to select records where start date is today or earlier, and Critical Now and Opportunity Now tasks.

Configure “Now Tasks” Smart List Sorting

With the Now Tasks Smart List selected click on the settings button for the list.

Enter the Sorting and Grouping for “Now Tasks”

That completes the set up for the MYN smart list in Remember the Milk

Some Additional Background Reference Information

Task fields Available for Selection and Sorting

Available Selection Criteria for Smart Lists:

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3 Responses to Using Remember the Milk with MYN, Guest Post

  1. Marcelo Kuramoto says:

    Thank you very much for the time spending writing this tutorial about MYN and RTM (Remember the Milk).

    I have been looking for quite a while by a software or app to use MYN and up to now I haven’t had any success. I don’t know why but ALL ToDos software offer only one option to sort the dates and guess what, first the oldest and last the newest.

    Unfortunately my Outlook can be used only with the company computer, TaskTask is blocked and Toodledo, which is pretty configurable, sucks. Its interface is very old and after any changes it is necessary to press F5 to refresh the page (!!!) – and the app for IOS also sucks.

    Finally an app which offers what we need – no free – but I think it worth the price.

  2. Steve says:

    I have used RTM Pro for a while. It has literally revolutionised how I work. I link to Onenote project files, I include GTD contexts (using locations) and have created Smart lists for delegated tasks so I have constantly updated 1-1 agenda for all of my direct reports … and lots more. The added bonus is that I enter tasks and notes etc once and I have it on my Mac, iphone, iPad and my Apple Watch. Such a stress buster for me.

  3. terraria says:

    I have website read a few of the articles on your website now, and I really like your style of blogging

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