Video Training Browser Support Fixed

March 9, 2014

A quick note about a fix we just completed. In the past months, newer web browsers from many browser vendors were often having issues with our paid Video Training–in some cases the videos would seem to start but then freeze at the start. Only IE would run them smoothly in many cases. That problem has been fixed! It was a problem with our server software–it needed an upgrade to match more stringent security features being released in the newer browsers. We upgraded the servers last week, and this weekend we modified the video pages to use the new servers. So if you were avoiding your favorite browser when running our paid video classes, you should be able to go back to it now! (Let us know if you still see any issues). And thanks for your patience with our periods of “down for maintenance” in the late evenings last week as the servers were being upgraded.

Michael Linenberger

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One Response to Video Training Browser Support Fixed

  1. Christa says:

    It’s really a nice and helpful piece of information.

    I’m satisfied that you just shared this helpful information with us.
    Please stay us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.

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