New Toodledo Apps for MYN on Android and BlackBerry 10

March 4, 2014

Two new apps are out for Toodledo that should work with 1MTD and MYN. One of the apps is for Android and one for BlackBerry 10.

We haven’t tested either, so have no set-up instructions. But in conversations with each developer we are told they should accept the MYN settings (which means they will work with 1MTD as well). 

Toodledo Android

The new Android app is one right from the Toodledo makers, and of course it is called Toodledo. The Toodledo company actually acquired an existing app which already worked pretty well, and rebranded it. However, apparently it’s not quite on-par with Toodledo’s iOS app, and so the Toodledo folks have launched a crowdfunding campaign to greatly expand the features of this app. You can join in on that if you like here:

Again though, we haven’t tested this app yet and hope to do so soon, and then we will provide set-up instructions for MYN. But it should be usable now, so feel free to play with it to try to make it work with MYN. [Update: follow this link for 1MTD and MYN set up instructions.]

As you may know, we also recommend two other Android apps that work with Toodledo and MYN: Pocket Informant and Ultimate To-Do List. The first has a ton of features that go well beyond task management, and the second I think is easier to use. The company behind the second is who has released the new BlackBerry app (next).

New Blackberry 10 App: Ultimate To-Do List, supports Toodledo

There’s been a hole in the product list that supports MYN: apps for the BlackBerry 10. The software for BB that we recommend for Exchange, To-Do Matrix, does not yet run on BB10. And we knew of nothing for MYN on BB10 in the Toodledo world.

Well that recently changed. The Ultimate To-Do List folks recently released a BB10 app with the same name and functioning as it’s Android app, and the same connectivity to Toodledo. In fact, the developer tells me it’s identical to the Android app. Since we haven’t yet confirmed that, let me just quote the developer:

“Our Blackberry 10 version is nearly identical to the Android version. In fact, it uses Blackberry’s Android emulator to run. The only features the BB10 version does not support are home screen widgets and calendar integration – features that Blackberry themselves don’t allow due to limitations of the emulator. The BB10 version will fully support your MYN system, and the instructions for setting this up are identical to the Android version.”

So if you want to give this a try, just follow our Android instructions to set it up for MYN. And if you confirm it configures well for MYN, let us know.

Michael Linenberger



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4 Responses to New Toodledo Apps for MYN on Android and BlackBerry 10

  1. Michael, have you tested the 2Day app for Windows Phone for compatibility with 1MTD & MYN? Their site says – – get your tasks at any time: synchronize your data with ToodleDo, Microsoft Exchange (2007, 2010 and Office365) or your Microsoft account (Outlook, Hotmail, Live). Thanks, John

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      John, no, haven’t tested it. If you do, let us know how it goes. As a reminder what is needed for MYN:
      • Group (or top level sort) on Priority
      • Second level sort on Start Date descending (older dated tasks at bottom)
      • Hide all tasks with future start dates
      • Hide completed tasks
      If it does those, you’re good, and be sure to tell us!

  2. Gary Jackson says:

    Thanks devs for the support. I’m working with a dev on the BlackBerry 10 side to help get his app compatible but also that will work on the Work Perimeter of a BES 10 activated device. Android apps on the Blackberry 10 platform are inherently unsure so therefore can’t be trusted to work behind the corporate firewall as the Exchange account is in the Hub. Therefore, we need a natively developed app that will work on this perimeter that integrates with the Hub and the Exchange account. This app is pretty feature rich but does need some adjustments.

  3. Gary Jackson says:

    Also, don’t forget that with 10.2.1 for BlackBerry 10 you can install the Amazon Android app store as well as other app stores like Google Play (via the native Snap app) and download Android applications directly. You can load ToodleDo or any other Android app if you prefer on BlackBerry 10.

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