TaskTask Version 3 — iPhone/iPad Tasks App for MYN

[Originally posted Jan 5, 2013]

[May 18, 2014 Update: This article is superseded by a newer one here].

Jul 29, 2013 Instructions for Version 3:

As you may know, it is hard to find iPhone or iPad software that syncs tasks with your corporate Outlook Exchange Server. There is one that works great. It’s called TaskTask (and TaskTask HD for the iPad).

Once TaskTask is configured, it works perfectly for MYN. That means it groups on Priority, then, within groups, it sorts on Start Date descending. It excludes future tasks and it hides completed tasks. In other words, everything works for MYN. So, if you use Outlook tasks and are on Exchange (you most likely are using Exchange if you are in a company of any size) go get it now; it’s a great little app.

And by the way, if you use a Windows version of Outlook, but do not have access to an Exchange server (let’s say you use an Internet account of some kind) and so cannot use TaskTask, I encourage you to consider switching to a hosted Exchange server so you can. Godadday has them for about $8 a month and Microsoft for about $4,  Mine is hosted on Intermedia.net. Besides making syncing your tasks with iPhone/iPad easy (using TaskTask), there are a ton of other advantages to using an Exchange server if you use Outlook.

Configuration Steps [Updated for version 3.7 Jul 29, 2013]

Anyway, back to TaskTask. Above is what the TaskTask vers 3 iPhone screen looks like, once configured for MYN. Notice the correct grouping. You cannot see it here, but the start date sorting and filtering are both correct for MYN.

Setting Up TaskTask for MYN

It does take a few steps to set up the MYN view shown above; the good news is you only need to do that once (it will save settings across upgrades, by the way).

First, if this is a newly installed copy of TaskTask for you, it will ask you if you want to connect to your Exchange Server when you first start TaskTask. Input your exchange username and password. Hopefully it connects with just that (it can take a minute or two, be patient). If it errors out, see more detailed setup instructions at the TaskTask site for steps to connect.

Once connected it will take a few moments to load in your Outlook tasks. They will not be in MYN order, so it’s time to start the MYN configurations,

Step 1: Click the icon in the lower right corner; it looks like a gear icon. In the next popup window click the Options button. Then, you’ll see the next window:

Step 2: Set Visual Theme

(New for version 3.7) Click the Visual Theme button. The default is called Metro Blue, but I like the other choice better, Metro Noir. All screen shots from here on show TaskTask with the Metro Noir. Click Options in upper left to get back to the Options Window

Step 3: Set Change View

Click the Change View button and you’ll see a screen that you will want to adjust so it looks like the one below. In other words, you’ll want Arrange/Group By set to Importance, and Sort Within Group set to Start Date. And Invert Sort set to ON, as below.

And set the middle sections (Options section) as shown above. Show All Completed is normally set to None in MYN, but you might also consider the Today choice. That shows completed tasks for one day (this is new for version 3.7).

Note the Highlight Overdue setting is optional; it causes tasks with a start date of today to look different than older tasks, which is an optional part of MYN (Target Now tasks). Turn it off if you do not like the red color it shows on tasks older than today.

Also note that we turn Detailed View off; that view shows overdue information that we don’t need since in MYN we ignore the Outlook due date field.

Step 4: Advanced Options After you finish that, scroll down to the Advanced Options section and make settings as shown at the bottom of this figure:

Step 5: Set Filters

Then, in the middle of the View Options window, find the Filter View section (shown above) and click on the arrow to the right of “Filter Items.”

In the next window turn Enable Filters on and then click Add View Filter.

In the Edit Filter window, change the “Filter on Field” control to Start Date (use the right arrow to do that).

Then, return to the Edit Filter screen and scroll lower (to the stack of buttons at bottom), set ON for the following choices: Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week, This Month, Next Month, Later; leave the rest off. It will look like this:

Click Save in the upper right, then View Options in upper left, then Options in upper left, then TaskTask in upper left, and your are back to your task list.

You’ve now got the MYN settings done!

How to Use MYN Tasks

Here is a review of the basic rules for using MYN tasks: High priority tasks are absolutely due today (there should only be a few there); Normal tasks are optional for the next 10 days or so (place no more than 20 tasks in Normal; put rest in Low); and Low tasks are tasks you can postpone beyond ten days or much much longer. Review High priority tasks every hour; review Normal once a day; review Low once a week. Put mostly small, next-action style tasks in this MYN list; such tasks generally do not have deadlines. Don’t put fake deadlines on tasks to trick yourself; that doesn’t work—you are smarter than that. If a task really has a true deadline, type it in the task subject line and/or put it on your calendar and set a reminder on the appointment. When the day arrives, move the task to High priority and do it before end of day.

If you used my Outlook Book to set up your Outlook tasks for MYN (I recommend that too), then you already know all these rules. There are a bunch more subtleties in that book; I suggest you at minimum re-read Lesson 4 in book for a review of most important task things.

Optional Settings for TaskTask:

Under Advanced Options in TaskTask I recommend you:

1) Set New Task Defaults to Start Date=today due date=no date; Importance=normal; and Reminder=no reminder.

2) Set Sync on Start Up to On

Also, under Options->Account Info, in the Options section of that screen, you can turn on Sync Flagged Items. This brings in your flagged mail tasks from Outlook Exchange. But in MYN I recommend avoiding using flagged mail as tasks—use them only in e-mail for deferred replies. See page 133 in my outlook book, 2nd Ed., or pg 159 in the 3rd Ed.

Questions? Comment below, I’ll try to answer.

Enjoy, Michael

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72 Responses to TaskTask Version 3 — iPhone/iPad Tasks App for MYN

  1. H says:

    Just a warning, TaskTask won’t necessarily work even if your Exchange Server appears to meet the configuration requirements. I’ve found that there’s a verb missing from my exchange server’s urlscan.ini file – which my administrator can’t/won’t add. Bit frustrating since there’s no way to know that in advance.

    I know you said previously that iMExchange2 hadn’t responded – any chance you’ll still be following up with them if they do? (That app doesn’t seem to have the same problems for me as TaskTask)

    • admin says:

      H: Thanks for your note and head’s up. I checked in and the TaskTask folks are aware of the affect of the missing verb you mention on connections. They say there are ways they can reprogram to work around a misconfiged Exchange server and plan to do that in the 3.5 release. So any of you–if you get that error–watch my newsletters; I’ll announce the 3.5 release. And yes, if IMExchange2 reaches back I’ll certainly encourage them to make the MYN changes. Feel free to encourage them to do so. Thanks again. Michael

  2. Paul Schwarz says:


    So based on your recommendation, I had been exploring ToodleDo. Do you recommend TaskTask over ToodleDo?

    • admin says:

      Paul: It all depends. If you use Exchange, a PC-based copy of Outlook, and use an iPhone or iPad, then I’d use Outlook and TaskTask. If you don’t match all three criteria (for example you don’t have Exchange, or say you are using Outlook-Mac), I’d go with ToodleDo.

  3. Chuck says:

    What do you recommend for Advanced options and new task defaults? Aldo, is there any way to convert an email on the iPhone into a task?

  4. Chuck says:

    One more question… Some of use salesforce.com or Microsoft CRM. Do you have Ny recommendations for incorporating tasks generated by this tool, eg daily call lists into the MYN system?

  5. I used TaskTask and the process is working great. Thanks for the tips!

  6. Ben says:

    Thanks Michael! I made the switch to Toodledo but really missed the easy MYN processes in Outlook. With TaskTask, I’m back in the saddle and loving the linked iPhone/Outlook/Exchange system. Working perfectly!

  7. Edward Gold says:

    Hi, Michael,

    I followed the above and ended up with a view in which I see ALL my tasks. To reproduce what I see in Outlook 2003 on the Task Pad (in Calendar view) seems to require a different Filter setting, namely setting “no Date” to “ON.”

    What am I misunderstanding? What should I be seeing in TaskTask?

    • admin says:

      Hi Edward. It sounds like you have a lot of undated tasks; I take it that’s what you are seeing. So for you, adding No Date=ON makes sense. Note though, starting with Ed 2 of my Outlook book (see page 67), I recommended that ALL tasks be entered with a start date. Tons of advantages to doing that. If you do that, it’s good to leave that filter off so that you do not loose track of any task you forget to date.
      Let me know if that explains it!

  8. admin says:

    Chuck, new task defaults I would set at start date=today; due date=no date; importance= normal.
    As to tasks generated from other systems, often they are a different kind of task, or more operational. In those cases I say keep using the other system in addition to Outlook–not trying to dump everything into outlook. Pg 106 of my Outlook book discusses this more.
    Hope this helps! Michael

  9. Ed Gold says:


    Thanks for the quick reply! I am using the 1st edition Outlook book from public library. Trying to get system down first.

    We’re still on Outlook 2003 at the office. Wasn’t sure if looking at 2nd edition (or your new book) would be good or just confusing. Advice?


    • admin says:

      Ed, yes, I would recommend the 2nd Ed. It covers 2003 and has a ton of improvements. No more master tasks, a much better approach is now used. Lots of great changes. Give it a shot.


  10. Pingback: MYN: Master Your (Workday) Now! » Blog Archive » Don’t Use Outlook? Try ToodleDo

  11. Nick B says:

    Thanks for this. All my work related tasks are on work’s Outlook Exchange server, and I had tried to run both my work and personal tasks on Outlook. But I just wasn’t reviewing at my personal tasks when I got home. But now with Toodledo containing my personal tasks, and TaskTask syncing with work’s Outlook, I can have the best of both my MYN worlds in the palm of my hand.

  12. Tom says:

    This is so great. Why the iPhone leaves this gap (non synching of tasks and notes) is beyond me. Am so glad that I now can use MYN on the road.

    Your configuration directions were simple, accurate and easy. Thanks!


  13. Rob Clark says:

    Is there anyway to set more than one view? How about seeing my goals and projects?

    • admin says:

      TaskTask can toggle between various task folders. So if you put goals and projects in separate (Exchange) folder(s), you could treat them like added views. Michael

  14. Erin says:

    How can I convert an email from my iPad into a task with TaskTask?

    • admin says:

      Sorry Erin, we missed your comment. No easy way to convert, you’ll need to copy and paste. TouchDown for Android is the only Exchange app that has a good email-to-task feature.

  15. Allan says:

    Hi Michael,

    I’m using Pocket Informant HD for iPad as it allows the user to Sync both calendar and tasks with Outlook even without Exchange server. Can you advise how I should set it up to support MYN?


    • admin says:

      PI is not quite there for MYN on iOS. They are missing the ability to hide future-dated tasks. We’ve exchanged e-mail with the management there, but no promises.

  16. Allan says:

    Michael, it might be good for you to mention to PI as well that they should add the option to sort by date. They always have the oldest tasks displayed on top.

  17. Stowe says:

    I’ve been successfully using 2do for my personal task list and have just started implementing the MYN on my pc at work. Anyone tried with success the outlook sync for 2do with the MYN system?

  18. Tania says:

    Does tasks tasks sync with google tasks in the google apps for business platform

  19. William says:

    I am currently using IMExchange 2 on my iPad and iPhone. It’s free and works rather well so far. I am syncing against a hosted Exchange solution

  20. realistdreamer says:

    First, thanks for everything. Bought the book and having an empty inbox for the last two weeks has been a Godsend. Just configured TaskTask on my iPad and all seems fine except I don’t think flagged emails works on Exchange Server 2003.

    Tip for others. Just set up Google Voice on my Sprint phone and now all voicemails go to my designated inbox for processing. There other services that do this, but this free universal inbox is great as it transcribes the message and tags it with the person’s name from my contacts. I have a ‘written’ record of all messages and process them when I feel like it through MYN.

  21. James says:

    I have used IMExchange in the past, paying 6 Eur. I have just learned that the developer has published IMExchange2 and abandoned IMExchange, thus requiring an additional 6 Eur. The website gives no information nor the possibility to contact the developer.

    Because of this highly questionable activity (IMHO), I have switched to TaskTask, which was cheaper than the upgrade, anyhow. TaskTask appears to work great for the MYN system.

  22. Richard Rubin says:

    When entering new tasks in Task Task HD for iPad, it requires me to enter a due date as well as a start date. You can’t “not enter” the due date. You don’t recommend due dates. Is there a way around this?

  23. admin says:

    Hi Richard, No way around that. That’s because TaskTask syncs with Exchange/Outlook, which forces a due date, and the data need to match. So just ignore the due date as in Outlook. No other choice. If that really bugs you, consider ToodleDo instead of Exchange/Outlook.
    Best, Michael

  24. Oliver says:

    Hi Michael. Thanks so much for helping to solve the problem of syncing Outlook Tasks with iPhone. I tried too many things until I found your solution. If only I had found your page earlier!

  25. Richard Rubin says:


    Two questions-

    1) I have read your material extensively, and I cannot get a real sense of whether you prefer Task Task or ToodleDo with Outlook (’03). Would appreciate your answer.

    2) A business etiquette question….on page 163-4 of the 3rd edition on followup tasks, you recommend asking “Wondering if you received my e-mail…..”. I often do this, but think it is somewhat dishonest…..who doesn’t get an e-mail? Is there a more honest and considerate way to do this, e.g. “I know you are busy, but your opinion is important to me” Thanks.

  26. Richard Rubin says:

    Just noticed you answered my first question in January. I’ll leave you with the second.

  27. “misconfigured Exchange server” lmao

    Devspeak for “we’re too lazy to fix it”.

  28. Hugh Floyd says:


    I am looking to upgrade to a smart phone and am looking at I-phone and several Droid phones. It looks like there are good solutions for both to be able incorporate your task system, but is there a difference in how they manage the e-mail categories? That may be my deciding factor as it would be great to be able to sort and move e-mails to the Processed Mail folder using a smart phone. Thanks for your help.

  29. Doug says:

    I own a very small business and don’t have an exchange server. I have all three of your Outlook books and in version 3 you seem keen on hosted exchange as a solution. But does that mean that my Outlook database would then be in the cloud rather than on my desk computer? And would that not make Outlook run much slower? Or would I still be working on data stored on my local drive but mirrored to the cloud?

  30. Doug says:

    And a follow-up comment to my question above: If–with a hosted exchange account–the only copy of my Outlook files resides in the cloud, then I would only have access to it when I happen to have an internet connection. (At least that’s my reading of the GoDaddy hosted exchange that you mention.) That’s neither always or anywhere. Not yet. In which case I would only have access to my Outlook calendar, task lists, project lists, notes and already-received e-mail messages when I’m hooked into the web. I can’t imagine that would work.

    • admin says:

      Hi Doug, thanks for your questions.
      When using Exchange, Outlook (starting with version 2003) stores a duplicate copy of your mail database in something called an .ost file. In fact, that file is all you look at when you look at your mail in Outlook. So if you are connected or not, no problem. That list just won’t re-sync and update till you connect again. All that is handled invisibly in the background, really good design. Not slow at all, very very fast.
      Hope that helps,

  31. admin says:

    Hugh, thanks for your question above,
    For the best Exchange/Outlook sync e-mail experience on a smartphone, I would go with Android and get TouchDown. These guys really understand exchange mail. See my other blog posts about TouchDown.

  32. Joe says:

    Does the new iOS 5 on the iPad allow for the functionality you recommend tasktask for?
    I a use PC desktop and laptop but recently added an iPad and iPod to the mix. Generally the latter are fun to use but much less effective for heavy duty work. However, it would be nice to have synchronization automated.
    Thank you, Joe

  33. William Judd says:

    On my iPad, Task Task – Advanced Option – Sync Flagged Items – is greyed-out in the Off position. I cannot switch it on. Known issue or … ?

  34. Allan J Jones says:

    I have been using TaskTask-HD on my iPad for many months and it has been working without issues. A great way to review my day while at home having my AM coffee. Last night I opened it and watched all my tasks disappear. So I went to my computer and logged on remote. Tasks all gone. Was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
    Was wondering if it was related to leaving daylight savings time … but seemed unlikely. Now I’m nervous about using the app.

  35. I’ve been trying for 3days now to set up my tasktask with my ipad and I use go daddy as my exchange server… I contacted them and asked for my activesync username and they did not know and could not find that for me. Can you please advise what else I can do ?

  36. dcbuzzell says:

    On mine, recently installed, the view always resets to the original when I reopen the app. Very frustrating.

  37. dcbuzzell says:

    On my iPad, the view always resets to the default when I reopen the app. Very frustrating.

  38. Brian Cohen says:

    For some reason TaskTask will not work with our Exchange configuration. I had another thought. I have been using Toodledo, but would like to better move to MYN on Outlook, but still use Toodledo on the web and my iphone/ipad. I currently use another Outlook plugin called gsyncit (http://www.fieldstonsoftware.com/software/gsyncit3/index.shtml) to sync Outlook Tasks to Toodledo. Could us use MYN in Outlook (plan on using ClearContext as well), keep the gsyncit in Outlook for 2-way sync to Toodledo, and configure Toodledo with the MYN configuration? Will that work instead of TaskTask?

  39. Winnie says:

    Hi, Can you recommend a stand-alone iPad app as connecting with outlook is too cumbersome for my purposes. Part way through Master Your Workday Now and your approach is making a lot of sense to me.

  40. Hammer says:

    TaskTask is fantastic – and now supports every feature I can think of for great use and integration.

  41. Tim007 says:

    I use PC with Outlook 2010 and Clearcontext for TWC at work, an Ipad in transit or at a coffee shop and a Mac with Outlook 2011 at home. Can i ask if TaskTask or ToodleDo will be the best way to connect all 3 setups?

    Thanks, Tim

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      Tim- I suspect you manage tasks mostly at work on Outlook, so I think stay on the Exchange platform, and then use TaskTask for the iPad. And then make due with the Mac Outlook 2011 task limits when using its task module at home. Or maybe use the iPad at home for tasks(?) Michael

  42. Cole says:

    Comments in the App Store suggest that an update in may has caused many problems–among other things that syncing of flagged emails no longer works. Has the May update undermined compatability of TaskTask, IPad, and your MYN system?

  43. Pmike says:

    What about The reminders app that comes with the ilad/iphone. It Syncs to my outlook account and seems like it would be a better option than taskhd. Why do you feel task hd, is better?

  44. Michael Linenberger says:

    Pmike: the reminders app is good if you only have a few tasks. But once you have a lot of tasks you will realize that since there is no way to configure it (sort or filter tasks) it becomes hard to use.

  45. Soo-Ik says:

    I am using iCloud control pannel for syncing tasks between outlook in my PC and in my iPhone. It works very well but the tasks in my phone are arranged in a opposite order such as Low,Normal, and High. Are there any way to fix the arrangement for MYN? I believe that if the problem can be fixed, then we don’t have to use TaskTask for MYN. In addition, this will be excellent news for MYN users. Now we can have MYN for both iPhone and PC by using iCloud.

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      I take it you are viewing the tasks on the iPhone in the app called Reminders? Yeah, unfortunately that app cannot be sorted or filtered in a way good for 1MTD or MYN. So right now, you need a third-party app, and TaskTask is best for Exchange users. Sorry!

  46. Hi Michael,
    I bought your book – excellent!
    I ended up going with GoDaddy for Exchange services since I Just needed one Exchange account. I also purchased TastTask for my iPhone and iPad. FYI – I configured my Outlook 2010 per your instructions in the book.
    I know this is probably an easy fix but I am unable to find the answer.
    Would you please help?
    When I enter tasks they only stay up for a few minutes. When I look at my tasks folder
    I have two tasks folders showing up one – juno (pop3) and one business (Exchange).
    The Tasks are in the business task folder but are all striked through as if completed? Thank you for your help., and insight!!!

  47. Paul says:

    Hi, are there any TaskTask users out there that have tried the new TouchDown for iOS software? If so, what’s your experience been? And how does it compare to TaskTask? My understanding is that TouchDown is not just for task management but is a wholesale replacement for the email, calendar and reminders apps.



  48. Cheryl says:

    I love using the Outlook task list, thanks to your custom configurations!

    I’m using TaskTask on my iPad, and my boss just downloaded it at my recommendation. One question: is there a way to view an attachment (like an email) I’ve embedded in a task? I can see the name of the attached document when I click on the task, but can’t open it.

  49. jQdvt662HW says:

    279438 484136Its wonderful as your other posts : D, appreciate it for putting up. 790157

  50. Edward Spitz says:

    Michael, I have one of your books, your Outlook addin and have followed you for several years. I purchased Task Task 6 months ago . It worked fine until several weeks ago. Now, when I launch Task Task it shows the start up screen for 20 seconds then closes down and goes blank. I get no response from Task Task email support. Any suggestions?

  51. Jason says:

    I just downloaded tasktask to check it out. Looks promising. I swiped a task to mark it complete while leaving show completed tasks set to ‘today’. I then swiped it again to uncomplete it. It shows up fine in my tasktask interface but in outlook 2010 it now has a strickout line through it and the today flag on the right is now a checkmark that I can’t change. When I look at the task details in Outlook nothing looks different to me. Any idea on how to fix this formating issue?

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      Jason. Well, we just tested the steps you described, using Outlook 2010, and did not get the issue you got. Completed status cleared fine at both ends. Maybe reach out to the TaskTask folks? Michael.

  52. DJS says:

    Michael – I am a big fan of the MYN system and have been championing it among my peers. I am interested in moving from ToodleDo to Outlook/Exchange, but the TaskTask HD app is very poorly rated in the App Store and recent comments suggest a lack of dev support. Do you still think this app is the best way to bring Outlook tasks into the IOS environment?

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      DJS- check the dates on the reviews. I think 90% of those poor reviews were from an early release of the product that had issues. The developer fixed them in a few weeks, but still haunted by the bad review count. I use the product almost every day and, without issue. Also, I think it’s sometimes hard for TaskTask to connect to an Exchange server if it’s not set up in a standard way. I’d think if you were using a good Exchange service you’d be fine. Michael.

  53. Peter says:

    Hello Mr. Linenberger,

    Following and appreciating your work for Years!! May I ask You a favor?

    Since the Last update I cannot Synchronice tasktask to exchange Server 2003. May be when You Talk to the guys at tasktask The might listen. They certainly didnot listen to my Plea.

    Thank you very much. Greetings from Germany

    Peter Schallenberg.

    • Michael Linenberger says:

      Peter, well, the TaskTask website says “your e-mail account must be on a Microsoft Exchange 2003, 2007, or 2010 server” so apparently 2003 is supported. There may be other issues with your set up? Only the TaskTask folks can help debug that. Sorry! Michael

  54. Les says:

    Hi Michael,
    Now moved back from mac to pc so trying Tasktask rather than Toodledo. However need ability to manage emails on iphone/ iPad to convert to tasks (like the trick to create task from emails in outlook). Seems to be missing from tasktask (I’m waiting for response from Ryan). Any suggestions for creating tasks from emails when on iphone/iPad without Toodledo approach?
    Cheers, Les

  55. Michael Linenberger says:

    Les, that email-into-task feature would have to exist in Exchange server to work with TaskTask, which just uses Exchange as its server. I do wish microsoft would add such a feature. Barring that, you’ll have to find the solution at the e-mail client level, and there is an iOS client that has it, it’s called eMailGanizer. You use it to read mail instead of the normal iOS mail app. See more info here-> http://www.oneminutetodolist.com/blog/new-iphone-e-mail-app-that-converts-mail-to-tasks/
    Also, read my Outlook book, 4th edition, the mobile section in Lesson 6. Lots of discussion of all this. Michael

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