Author Archives: Michael Linenberger

Drag and Drop Prioritizing in MYN-1MTD Apps

One of my favorite features for any to-do list app is drag and drop prioritizing. By that I mean the ability to drag an app in the task list up or down to reposition it—thus changing its relative priority. Many … Continue reading

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What App Should You Use for MYN or 1MTD?

Whenever I write an article or create a video about a new MYN or 1MTD enabled app, I immediately get a slew of emails asking if I recommend one app above all others. Well, here’s my answer: No, there is … Continue reading

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MYN Features Table for Various Apps

I have general recommendations for which apps you should use for 1MTD and MYN at this link. But for MYN, there are a lot of key features that can make a difference to you. So here is a table that … Continue reading

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Update on Toodledo: New Ownership Promises Better Support

New owners and developers are in place for Toodledo as of a few months ago, and I recently had a long phone conversation with them. I am encouraged. As you may know, Toodledo is the other non-Microsoft task management software … Continue reading

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New Video (Free): The New Outlook for Mac

I’ve just created a new free video about the optional “New Outlook” preview that is a part of the Outlook for Mac subscription desktop app. I created that video to add to the Toodledo video course, but it’s really useful … Continue reading

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Guest Post: Using Todoist with MYN and 1MTD by Charles Olsen

I am very pleased to announce the guest post below by reader Charles Olsen about Todoist. You may recall that Charles wrote a few guest posts about Things over the last year, and this one is even better! The Todoist app suite … Continue reading

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Can No Longer Opt Out of To-Do Tasks on Outlook on the Web

This notice from Microsoft: “September 3, 2020: We will soon roll out the new tasks experience in Outlook on the web as we move from preview to general availability. With this change, we will remove the preview opt-in toggle; this … Continue reading

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Outlook iOS App adds Create a Task Command

Yey! Microsoft finally did it. They’ve added a Create a Task command to their Outlook iOS App. This is a critical app feature I like to see in all apps that my 1MTD and MYN readers use.

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Windows Outlook (365 Desktop) Option to Turn Off Yellow Highlighting of Flagged Mail Is Finally Fixed

If you have a subscription to Office 365 (now called Microsoft 365), and you have been regularly updating your desktop Outlook app, then here’s a recent change you might care about: the ability to turn off yellow highlighting of flagged … Continue reading

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New 4-Min Review or Intro Video for 1MTD & MYN

If you are new to 1MTD and MYN, or if you have drifted away from it, here is a 4-minute video that will help refresh your understanding of the urgency zone concept, and how urgency zones work in both systems. … Continue reading

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